
Emrys Jones & Co are a firm of Solicitors offering legal services for private and business clients for over 40 years.
We deal with:-
- Accident and injury claims
- Wills and Probate
- Family and Matrimonial Law
- Civil and Criminal Litigation
- Conveyancing - Residential and Commercial
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Our SRA Number is 49389.
Fees are charged based on our hourly rate of £230 per hour plus VAT plus Disbursements.
This covers majority of work on almost all matters, refinements take into account
- In the case of an overall Low Value Estate or Property an allowance can usually be made unless complexities arise in respect of which there was no prior warning.
- In the case of High Value Estates or Properties a modest surcharge may be made, depending on the nature of the individual matters that are drawn to our attention when instructions are given or come to our notice as the matter develops and at that time will be drawn to your attention.
Please note that as this is 'a single principal' firm there are no persons having different standing or qualifications as is the case quite frequently in multi partner or staff firms.
Bennett Wright Thistlethwaite is the Principal and sole practitioner at Emrys Jones & Co who qualified as a Solicitor in 1971 and has a vast knowledge of legal expertise.
The work will be done by the firm’s Principal.
Upon being instructed the nature of the process as appropriate to the nature of the instruction will be explained, save if the client indicates that he or she has prior knowledge of these matters and does not require such explanation.
Reviews of files will be carried out regularly as work progresses and will be drawn to your attention particularly if not mentioned by you when instructions were given.